Leaving Manila, landing in Hong Kong: airport guide
A a lot more updated version of this post can be found here:
Hong Kong travel Guide
First Time Abroad: airport Guide
Our trip to Hong Kong was filled with first times. For starters, it was my family’s first trip abroad. It was also my first time in Hong Kong. It was their first time to ride the plane and first time to stay at an airport. imagine the excitement of my mom, sister, niece and nephew. That’s why even though our flight was scheduled at 5:40 am, we were already at the NAIA terminal 3 as early as 3am.
What to Do Upon checking In
Cebu Pacific Air’s check in counter opens at around 4am so we had a full hour to kill. We made a decision to check the crucial items that we needed to bring. I’d like to share with you our check list!
Cebu Pacific Air tickets/itinerary
DSWD travel clearance (only if you have minors whose parents are not opting for you)
Valid IDs (just to be safe. The passport serves as an ID already)
Credit cards (in case we made a decision to splurge)
Money (in us dollars)
Maps of Hong Kong
Our travel plan in Hong Kong
A sheet of paper where we wrote crucial contact numbers and addresses (Important!)
Un stilou!
You might be thinking, “Why must I bring a pen?” Well, you will need it. In fact, one of the first things you must do is to find a stack of immigration forms at the check in counter. accomplish the immigration form by supplying personal information and the address of the hotel where you will be staying. thus the sheet of paper with addresses and contact numbers in the check list. You must also accomplish forms for the children with you. You will need to present these forms with your passport and ticket upon check in.
After filling out the forms, we fell in line and when it was our turn, we handed the check-in agent our documents. We made a decision not to check in any baggage considering that we were traveling light. but apparently, my sister brought an umbrella. Umbrellas are not allowed to be hand-carried in the Philippines so we had to throw it away. poor umbrella.
Travel tax and departure Fee
After the check-in agent processed our boarding passes, he asked us to pay the travel tax and departure fee first (the counter for this is at the near end of the airport).
Travel tax — P1,620
Departure fee — P550.
After paying, we returned to the check-in counter and secured our boarding passes. (We didn’t have to fall in line this time. The check-in agent just handed them to us.) We then headed to the immigration Booths to have our passports stamped. Yipee! may tatak na naman passport ko! basic joys, sorry. 😛
And then of course, the final safety check.
În timpul zborului
Our plane departed at exactly 5:40am as scheduled. My niece and nephew couldn’t believe they were on a plane. They kept on looking outside. It was sunrise and the clouds entertained the kids.
At one point during the flight, flight attendants distributed arrival cards to all passengers. We accomplished it.
Don’t forget to fill out these forms because you will have to present it at the Customs/Immigration booths in Hong Kong.
Arriving at Hong Kong international Airport
Our plane landed two hours later, on schedule. However, we were quite saddened by the rain. It was raining so hard when we arrived.
Because our plane parked in the far end of the terminal, we had a long walk to the immigration Counter. We walked really, really fast because we kinda expected the long lines at this point considering that the immigration Officers would be asking routine questions to tourists.
When we approached the immigration Counters, we presented our passports and immigration cards (the forms we submitted on the plane). As expected, the immigration Officers asked us routine questions like “When is your flight back to Manila? Unde vei sta? Do you know any individual in Hong Kong?”
Another crucial thing to remember is that taking pictures around the immigration area is prohibited.
Hong Kong tourism Board visitor information and Octopus Cards
After going through Immigration, we chose to drop by the Hong Kong tourism Board visitor information to get complimentary brochures and maps. Yes, it’s complimentary so don’t be shy grabbing some.
We also gotten Octopus Cards for each of us. It was wise to get Octopus Cards because every form of transportation we would use accepted Octopus Cards. We didn’t have to worry about coins or change. All we need to do was flash the card when boarding the bus or train.
The standard Octopus Card costs HK$100 plus HK$50 deposit. There is a special rate for children: HK$20 load and HK$50 deposit. The deposit for both standard and children’s cards is refundable when you surrender the card. To learn a lot more about Octopus Cards, visit their official web site here.
Exchanging Currencies (PHP or US$ to HK$)
While we were planning the trip, we learned from online communities that although the exchange ratE la aeroport a fost bun, schimbătorii de bani de la Tsim Sha Tsui (Downtown) au folosit tarife mai bune.
Planul nostru inițial a fost doar să schimbați o sumă mică, suficient pentru micul dejun și autobuzul, și apoi să convertim o mulțime de dolari SUA în dolari HK în Tsim Sha Tsui. Din fericire, nu a trebuit să facem asta, având în vedere că avem deja cărți de caracatiță și asta a fost tot ce trebuie să mergem la Tsim Sha Tsui.
De la aeroport la Tsim Sha Tsui
Tai San Guest House, hotelul nostru, este situat în Tsim Sha Tsui. Pentru a fi exact, este la etajul 15, Burlington House, 91-94 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. Este nevoie doar de o plimbare cu autobuzul pentru a ajunge acolo de la aeroport. A fost minunat că ploaia a scăzut puțin.
Căutați acest marker dacă luați autobuzul către Tsim Sha Tsui. Căutați marca A21. (Airbus 21)
Nepoata mea pozând pentru came în așteptarea autobuzului. Localnicii din Hong Kong au continuat să vorbească cu ea și să ne spună cât de drăguță a fost!
Nepoata mea care se bucură de călătoria lungă!
Pentru a ajunge acolo, ne -am urcat într -un Airbus 21, un autobuz dublu Decker. A fost o plimbare lungă, dar nu am adormit. Nu am vrut să omitem oprirea noastră. Știam că stația de autobuz Tsim Sha Tsui a fost a 13 -a oprire (aeroportul fiind primul), așa că, o prostie, așa cum sună, am numărat de fapt numărul de opriri. (De fapt, nu a trebuit să facem asta, deoarece numele opririi a fost afișat pe ecran în interiorul autobuzului.)
Mai multe idei pe YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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